The Diver in River North recently opened their sidewalk patio to soak up the last minutes of summer!
Summer is on its way out. While we’re chomping at the bit to get into all the apple-picking, pumpkin-patch, horror-movie-marathon action of autumn, we’ll still take any chance we can get to give the summer sun’s its due. If a tropical escape is still on your checklist, dive over to The Diver on River North for a taste of paradise! [Featured image: @diverchicago]
Featured photos in this article ought to set the scene of what you’ll be walking into at The Diver. Fit with a lush ceiling aglow with suspended lanterns, the interior is much like that of a sandy cabana you’d pop into along the Pacific Coast. For the full effect, the restaurant props their long open windows opens to treat diners to a welcome breeze. Presently, the restaurant is sitting 38 customers at a time inside with socially distancing regulations in tact.
Furthermore, the restaurant recently opened their covered sidewalk terrace for patrons to embrace the waning summer’s end.
If you didn’t get to hit the beach this year, you can at least take solace in knowing that you can still get a taste of the catch of the day at The Diver. The bungalow fitted restaurant offers a appropriate menu with contemporary takes on fish tacos, tostadas, and aquachiles. Additionally, The Diver has a slot on their menu reserved for their Ceviche Bar with options for octopus, mahi mahi, and more, as well as an assortment of tasty vegan and vegetarian plates at the ready.
Libation-wise, you can dive right into their exquisite margaritas and beachside cocktails such as their Tropical Spritz made of aperol, cava, watermelon, and lemongrass/mint pureé, and Night in Oaxaca cocktail, made of mexcal, vermouth, Campari, cherry, and mole bitters.