Millennials fall into a category popular of people born between 1981 to 1996. They have an understandable influence on popular American culture. While the category is now followed by Gen Z, Millennials (Also known as Gen Y) still make up a substantial part of adults today. Today, these mid-20-to-early-40-somethings are starting families, settling down in a chosen place, working to advance their careers, and the like. When choosing a place to live, who knows what people look for on an individual level, but the interesting thing is this: A new study has emerged, ranking Illinois among the top spots for millennials to live. This is according to Wallethub’s 2022 list.
It’s the 5th best place for millennials and ranks second in affordability, fourth in education and health, and eighth in quality of life. The state has also ranked 46th in economic health and 18th in civil engagement. Chicago residents will be happy to learn that the state has the second-lowest depression rates among millennials.
The list itself is based on an overall evaluation of all 50 states. It also factors in various probabilities, such as millennial unemployment rates, millennial voter-turnout rates, and more. As for how all 50 states were ranked, it’s based on five categories: affordability, education and health, quality of life, and civic engagement.
Congrats, Chicago Millennials, you picked a top spot to settle in. Landing at number 5 is good. For those curious, the number one spot was afforded to Washington. Yet, they don’t have the charming towering downtown, quaint neighborhoods and affinity for hotdogs that we do!
Check out the complete list here.
[Featured photo from Unsplash]