The festival is pay what you can and features accompanying live performances of newly-composed musical scores.
This Friday, Chicago’s Sound of Silent Film Festival will kick off its 2021 version bringing back live performances. Hosted by the non-profit organization Access Contemporary Music (ACM), the unique event features new silent films across a variety of genres and enlists composers to write new musical scores to accompany the movies.
Having previously taken place before audiences at Lincoln Square’s historic Davis Theater, last year Sound of Silent Film Festival resorted to digital means due to the pandemic but will be returning for in-person showings this year. Instead, the sixteenth annual festival will happen in Chicago’s VIN312 parking lot so the proper health and safety precautions can be carried out effectively.
Sound of Silent Film Festival lets music do the talking in 14 shorts – Chicago Sun-Times
— Derrell Johnson (@DDJMusic777) July 6, 2020
This year there are two completely different programs with live in-person performances taking place this Friday, April 30, and Saturday, May 1, followed by virtual presentations one week later. In-person performances at the VIN312 Parking Lot will be limited to 100 people per night and at the time of writing, tickets still remain!
Here is the program information as per the ACM website:
In-person Performances (limited to 100 people per night)
Program One: The Ephemeral Orphanage – Friday, April 30 8:30 CDT (13 tickets remaining)
Program Two: The Silent Treatment – Saturday, May 1 8:30 CDT (23 tickets remaining)
Virtual Presentations (link will be emailed to you)
Program One: The Ephemeral Orphanage – Friday, May 7 – 8:00 Central/9:00 Eastern
Program Two: The Silent Treatment – Saturday, May 8 – 8:00 Central/9:00 Eastern
Guests can find more program information and sign up for tickets here.
See more: The Best Live Jazz Experiences Taking Place In Chicago And Where To See Them
[Featured image from Facebook / @accesscontemporarymusic]