The new uniform is inspired by Chicago’s architecture and pays tribute to a post-fire city planner.
The Chicago Bulls have released their latest City Edition jersey ahead of the 2020-21 NBA season starting next month and it’s an instant classic.
The City Edition jerseys are a series of special team jerseys created by each NBA team to pay tribute to their city. While Chicago Bulls’ 2019-20 City Edition uniform was a bright blue inspired by the Chicago flag, this year’s uniform is a sleek black and gold design.
The new uniform is again a visual tribute to Chicago but for the first time, the new jersey focuses on the unique art deco architectural characteristics. Both the wordmark and numbers of the 2020-21 season are displayed in a stylish art deco font inspired by the United Center’s signage. An intricate geometric pattern adorns the side of the jersey and continues down onto the shorts where the iconic logo and the four stars of the Chicago flag are situated within a larger diamond.
Along with geometric patterns that mimic the look of rivets in the ironwork of Chicago’s skyscrapers, there are the words ‘Make no little plans’ above the jersey tag. The words are a tribute to Daniel Burnham, the city planner who designed Chicago after the great Chicago fire in 1871. His inspirational quote “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood” is one of the most famous quotes about Chicago’s city and reminds the team to aim high.
While we don’t know if the forthcoming season will take place in an isolated “bubble” or not, we now know that they will be wearing some of the most eye-catching threads to date.
All photos are courtesy of Chicago Bulls.